Archive for November, 2013

Social Enterprise Awards 2013
Some of the country’s finest social enterprises gathered in London last night (November 27) to celebrate the work done in the sector and to hand out awards to some very deserving people. Baking guru, and big social enterprise supporter, Sue Perkins compered a very jolly evening put together by Social Enterprise UK ably supported by […]

Citizens’ Eye
The people of Leicester have been benefiting from an extensive network of community media thanks to Citizens’ Eye, discovers Figen Gunes. // Citizens’ Eye was set up in 2007 in a bid to produce alternative content to the mainstream media by training citizen journalists. They became a community media training school run in cooperation with […]

Figen Gunes finds out about a residential project for young people with an ‘enviable’ success rate in turning lives around.// Amber, a residential charity working with 17- to 30-year-old homeless and unemployed young people, has a unique style. It does not change people, people change when they come to Amber. Many, but not all, of […]

PHASES is a construction firm with a triple bottom line. Andrew Burns finds out how they do it. // Brian Daley can relate to the ethos of The Big Issue: a hand up, not a handout. Four years ago the ex-serviceman was living in a hostel and battling an alcohol addiction after leaving the army […]

My Time
A unique mental health social enterprise employing former service users is covering new ground, finds Andrew Burns. // Five years ago Tony Mills was at death’s door. Having just lost his job on a building site in Birmingham and with nothing – and no one – to lean on, he developed depression and felt […]

Midlands Psychology
Charles Howgego hears about a group of clinicians improving the mental health of whole communities. // “It was an amazing, probably brave and stupid thing to do,” is the honest summing up of Angela Southall looking back on her decision to leave the NHS in 2008 and set up social enterprise Midlands Psychology (MP). The […]

The Cycle Hub
An innovative project, The Cycle Hub, hopes to make cities and cycling more accessible, discovers Andrew Burns. // During the last year, cycling groups, businesses and the local authority in Newcastle have come together to ensure that the city is deemed “fit for cycling”. One specific organisation that has been crucial in achieving this ambition […]

Evolution Cycle Co
Figen Gunes finds stolen bikes donated by Camden police to a social enterprise repaired by local unemployed youngsters or ex-offenders with the aim of creating jobs. // “Evolution cycle is a key point of my life as now I have a legitimate job that pays for my living. It is also keeping me out of trouble […]

Chocolate Films
Andrew Burns visits Chocolate Films, who are helping a new generation get in touch with their creative selves. // Creativity is a crucial learning curve for any young person. It drives a new and often untouched train of thought through an unpredictable route – and you just never know where it could lead. This notion […]

It’s All About Me
Out of 5,000 children seeking adoption each year, heart-wrenchingly, half are left languishing on the National Adoption Register (NAR), often within unstable foster care placements. Up to 80 per cent don’t get adopted, reports Danielle Aumord. // A new scheme called It’s all About Me (IAMM) seeks to reverse this trend by offering therapeutic training […]