News Digest 13/11/13

Posted by editor 13/11/2013 0 Comment 4347 views



Featuring a heart-warming Christmas campaign from The Living Room, plus news from Housing Justice and Hackney Hounds

LIVING ROOM WARMING UP FOR XMAS – A restaurant in Bristol is launching an initiative to help the elderly cook warm meals this winter. The Living Room will donate 10p per meal sold to help fund classes and equipment for the elderly to learn how to cook for themselves. The Warm Up For Winter sessions include cookery classes on how to eat cheaply, healthily and cook for one during winter to help boost circulation and warmth. Chefs from The Living Room will volunteer their time and expertise. Participants get information packs which include key ingredients and equipment such as freezer bags for storing their meals.
By Dindu


HOUSING JUSTICE MOVING ON – Homeless support service Housing Justice has been awarded £92,400 by the Homeless Transition Fund to improve night-shelter services. Volunteers will be trained and gain better skills to help their clients move onto suitable housing. Volunteers across England and Wales will be trained to a Housing Justice Quality Mark (HJQM) standard to ensure consistency cross their services. Alison Gelder, Chief Executive of Housing Services, said: “I am thrilled that we have been awarded this grant.  It will enable us to help church and community night shelters take their services to a new level.”
By Anil


HACKNEY HOUNDS HERALDS A DOG’S LIFE – The Hackney Hounds, a young group of Hackney dog owners are sparking debate on the stigma that surrounds ‘dangerous dogs’ particularly ‘Staffies’.  They spent two months creating ‘Life’s a Bitch’, a short film documenting the maltreatment of these animals, and the subsequent reputation they have earned and screened it at Richmix in Bethnal Green in August, giving the local community an opportunity to debate and vote on the issue. See
By Jose Moises Torres-Galvez

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