Archive for February, 2014

Figen Gunes talks to UnLtd, who have inspired thousands of social entrepreneurs over the years

Art In Healthcare
Art In Healthcare is an Edinburgh charity which strives to improve the lives of patients and residents in care settings; Jenny McBain finds out more from CEO Trevor Jones

How do young people find a voice for themselves in politics? Figen Gunes meets some people who think they have the answer

Young Advisors
Young Advisors are a UK-wide community of young people shaping the future for today’s youth. Figen Gunes discovers how.

The Juno Project
Danielle Aumord hears from an inspirational social entrepreneur encouraging women to go it alone in business

Give Me Tap
Figen Gunes talks to Edwin Broni-Mensah, who has created a genius social enterprise helping folk from the UK to Africa

Jenny McBain samples a restaurant that contributes to the greater good whilst providing great food and a SPECIAL BIG ISSUE OFFER!

The Spirit Of The Streets Choir
The Spirit Of The Streets choir was borne out of the struggles of its founding members, discovers Danielle Aumord

Cardboard Citizens
A new interactive play from transformative theatre group Cardboard Citizens breaks new ground. Figen Gunes finds out more

Koestler Trust
Figen Gunes visits the Koestler Trust to find art inspiring inmates